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Oxygen Rx Facial

Be red carpet ready

1 h 30 min
From 150 Canadian dollars
Mayumi Beauty Lab

Service Description

A controlled amount of oxygen is generated at optimal levels on the skin to provide maximum benefits and help to replace the ruddy-look associated with acne, rosacea, and telangiectasia, with brighter skin. This treatment is extremely nourishing and beneficial for all skin types. Skin types: all skin types - acne, rosacea, aging, pigmentation Benefits: germicidal, killing acne bacteria, reduces redness and irritation, exfoliating, brightening, anti-aging Indications: congestion, acne, inflammation, redness, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation Recommended Treatment Plan: every 2-4 weeks or as needed. Series of at least 6 is recommended. Contraindications: Allergic to citric fruits (oranges, limes, grapefruit, lemons) Allergic to cocoa, chocolate, and/or raspberry Allergic to pineapple and/or papaya History of being “highly allergic” to anything Current use of antibiotics (topical or systemic) Use of Accutane® within the past 12-months Broken skin on areas to be treated Visible inflammation or inflammatory lesions Herpes virus (cold sores) on mouth Currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments

Contact Details

  • 4907 50 Avenue, Lloydminster, SK, Canada


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