Oxygen Rx Facial
Be red carpet ready
Service Description
A controlled amount of oxygen is generated at optimal levels on the skin to provide maximum benefits and help to replace the ruddy-look associated with acne, rosacea, and telangiectasia, with brighter skin. This treatment is extremely nourishing and beneficial for all skin types. Skin types: all skin types - acne, rosacea, aging, pigmentation Benefits: germicidal, killing acne bacteria, reduces redness and irritation, exfoliating, brightening, anti-aging Indications: congestion, acne, inflammation, redness, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation Recommended Treatment Plan: every 2-4 weeks or as needed. Series of at least 6 is recommended. Contraindications: Allergic to citric fruits (oranges, limes, grapefruit, lemons) Allergic to cocoa, chocolate, and/or raspberry Allergic to pineapple and/or papaya History of being “highly allergic” to anything Current use of antibiotics (topical or systemic) Use of Accutane® within the past 12-months Broken skin on areas to be treated Visible inflammation or inflammatory lesions Herpes virus (cold sores) on mouth Currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments
Contact Details
4907 50 Avenue, Lloydminster, SK, Canada